Monday, 6 February 2012

Seasonal Picture Wall

A few months ago, my husband Derrick had the idea to create a seasonal picture wall.  Some of the family photos would stay the same, and the remaining photos would capture moments or words from the current season.  I loved the idea!  Our dining room wall has been bare and in need of paint since we moved into our house 5 years ago, so it was the perfect blank canvas. I started planning the layout and size of frames to use for the space at the beginning of September but by the time I got everything organized, it was clear that the picture wall wouldn't get up until Winter, so that's the season I started with. I grabbed my laptop and started pinning all the pictures that encompassed what I loved most about Winter.  Then I began scrolling through hundreds of family photos, choosing a selection of pictures that captured memorable moments from that season.  When everything finally came together and the last picture was hung (and leveled), we just loved the result! One of my favourite parts is a picture I designed that I call Winter Words.  Derrick and I sat down after lunch one day and listed all of our favourite words or things from the season that we loved and I put it all together in a picture. We have already started a list of our favourite Spring words for the upcoming season! I hope that planning this picture wall will become a special tradition in our family. Now all we need is the banquette seating that we've been dreaming about!

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  1. I love that you caught little miss in action in the corner of your first picture! Your picture wall looks great! I love that it's going to be a seasonal thing!

  2. Your wall looks fabulous, Heather! You've been busy since we saw you on the 14th :O) Gotta love Arabella sneaking into the shot as well.
